Questions (And Answers?)

Welcome to our Tiny Little Island!

Sometimes we hear all sorts of questions on our Island, so we wrote them down here, with some (very little) help from the Author. And if we just happened to know the answers, we added them, too.


A drawing of a Little Shark. A Shark with a smile. A smiling Shark. A small, happy, cartoon Shark.
Shark is like any other shark. He loves cakes and he's scared of thunderstorms. He likes reading books. He doesn't always understand everything that's in them, but he knows that he can always ask Fox about it. Shark is usually cheerful, optimistic, curious about the world, about books, about cakes, and about everything around him. Some might call him naïve, they might say that he's childish... but even if that was so, neither Sharkinek nor Fox would think that there was anything wrong about it. (The same goes for calling Shark a dreamer... that's because he is one, and he's happy to have dreams!)
Sometimes it may happen that Shark is visited by Slight Sadness and is overcome by Minicholy (she's the small second cousin of the big Melancholy). What always helps Shark during those times is the knowledge that, right next to him, there is Fox's paw that can be touched, and a cake that can be eaten.
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A drawing of a Tiny Fox. A little Fox with a tail. A small cartoon Fox is sleeping.

The Tiny Fox is rather serious by nature, so he can often be found deep in thoughts. He will frequently stop to look at something and assess it, usually briefly and accurately. Before the Tiny Fox met the Little Shark, he had a rather detached, realistic and cold view of the world. Some even said that it was almost cynical, and that the Tiny Fox was more badger-like than fox-like, but that was the way that it was in the dark Forest. However, ever since the Tiny Fox met the Little Shark, he has been smiling much more often (since he is a fox, he does it under his nose, which may mean that the smile is not visible... but both the Tiny Fox and the Little Shark know very well that it is there!). Even though he is still rather serious (especially when making various observations) and he still has all his paws firmly on the ground, he also jumps and runs more often, he wags his little tail more, he plays Balls and Sticks, he collects seashells, and he has replaced the coldness of the Forest with the warmth of the Beach. And of Friendship.

Questions and Answers (not all of them have been asked yet, but perhaps they will be one day!)

The Tiny Shark is reading a book. The Little Fox is on the beach. A small Shark and a little Fox.

- What cakes does Shark like best?
1: Those that already are in the tummy.
2: Those that are about to go into the tummy.

What political views does Shark have?
Shark had once stumbled upon politics at the bottom of the sea. He didn't know what it was, and since Fox wasn't around, he couldn't ask. So he decided to try politics and bit it, because it was very shiny, although it did have a very strange smell. Later, his tummy hurt him all night long. Ever since then, Shark has never touched politics.

- Where does Shark get so many books?
Shark swims a lot, and he likes to dive. The stories about treasures which can be found at the bottom of the sea are true, and books are the greatest treasure!

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